Steering Group

  • Lee Beveridge

    Environment Agency

    Lee is a Technical Specialist and Technical Leader at the Environment Agency in the North-West Contaminated Land team in Warrington. Lee provides specialist advice on land contamination issues on local planning schemes in his area as well as national advice on technical matters to local and regional colleagues on a number of issues including permitting, contamination and Part 2A.

  • Andrew Brunton

    Ground Gas Solutions (GGS)

    Andrew has over 12 years’ experience as a professional environmental scientist, specialising in the investigation and management of hazardous ground gases and substances. Andrew’s current role is Associate Director at GGS Ltd, which includes the responsibility for the planning and successful project delivery whilst ensuring technical quality and resilience across the wider team.

  • Neil Coyne

    RSK Geosciences

    Neil is a principal consultant at RSK Geosciences with over 20 years’ experience in environmental consultancy. He has been involved in assessing brownfield land within the North West region and further afield. His main areas of expertise are risk and remediation, surface water management, contaminated land assessments and brownfield regeneration.

  • Mark Davies


    Mark Davies is a Senior Geoenvironmental Engineer at NHBC, the UK’s leading warranty and insurance provider for new homes. With over 15 years of experience in environmental and geological investigations and a background as an environmental consultant. Mark's role involves managing environmental risks and promoting sustainable building practices.

  • Will Fitzpatrick

    Sirius Remediation

    Will is a remediation engineer at Sirius with over 12 years experience in the environmental and remediation field. Working within a diverse range of sectors, Will has been involved with a number of brownfield regeneration and remedial schemes in North West England.

  • Dr David Megson

    Manchester Metropolitan University

    Dr David Megson, Reader in chemistry and environmental forensics at Manchester Metropolitan University.  David is a senior academic investigating sources of environmental pollutants and monitoring their fate and transport in the environment with a focus on emerging contaminants.  He also provides expert witness and consultancy services to the Royal Society of Chemistry.

  • Sally Shaw

    Bury Council

    Sally is an experienced contaminated land regulator having worked for and with many local authorities across the North West.  One of the founding members of the NWBRF Sally has sat on many regional and national forums and is also one of the current co-chairs of NCLOG.  A key driver is to share knowledge and best practice amongst all in the Contaminated Land Community.

  • James Warren King

    Warrington Borough Council

    James is a local government land contamination specialist with 21 years operational experience in both the public and private sectors. He was also a member of the Steering Group on the previous iteration of the NWBRF .